Strategic foresight is a systematic and process-based practice approach that applies a methodology, using strategic foresight models/frameworks, approaches, methods, techniques, and tools for each step in the strategic foresight process. The steps in the strategic foresight process are highly interactive with each other. The steps in the strategic foresight process are intended to support scenario/scenario planning to create probable, possible, preferable, alternative, and reasonable futures from 3 to 20 years ahead.


In a world and conditions that are volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) or turbulent, uncertain, novel, and ambiguous (TUNA) after the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations and companies need strategic foresight as a special leadership and management assistant to implement strategic leadership; guide their organizations and companies to survive and overcome risks and uncertainties. Strategic foresight outcomes help companies plan reasonable strategies, identify and manage strategic issues, and make correct strategic decisions. Strategic foresight and issues management help companies control strategy implementation and detect changes in the strategic management process, strategic foresight and issues management combined with appropriate change management models help companies manage change in the strategic management process, etc.



DRN integrates strategic foresight and issues management into the strategic planning and strategic management process: consult, coach, train; and organize seminars and brainstorming meetings for the leadership team, management team, supervisors, officers, and prospective staff on applying and practicing strategic foresight and issues management into the planning process to create scenarios of the company’s future in its industry; create a vision; plan corporate strategies, business strategies, and functional strategies; and test strategies against created future scenarios, after testing the strategies the company will select well-tested strategies to implement for 3 – 10 year strategies according to desired futures or possible futures from the outcomes of scenario planning. The outcomes of strategic foresight also apply to the company’s creation of strategic options, knowing probable, possible, preferable, alternative, and reasonable futures from 3 to 10 years ahead. From these futures, DRN uses strategic foresight tools to bring futures into the present to use strategic foresight models/frameworks. DRN combines strategic foresight methods, tools, techniques, and strategy tools to know the outcomes of strategic foresight aims to help leaders create the right vision to formulate strategies and develop strategy; implement and evaluate strategic implementation; make strategic decisions, and manage strategic issues. Apply strategic foresight outcomes to implement creativity and innovation, research and development (R&D), and much more.

The forecasting technique is just one of many types of strategic foresight techniques and tools used throughout the strategic foresight process.


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