Organizational alignment is the smooth coordination of aligning organizational culture, organizational values, leadership values, personal values, organizational trust, people, leadership, management, strategies, policies, structures, management systems, procedures, processes, tasks, activities, practices, and performance aim to reach strategic goals, purpose, and vision and to accomplish the mission.



Create a close and effective connection between organizational culture, organizational values, organizational climate, good working conditions, organizational trust, organizational unique identity, appropriate leadership style, and working style, effective decision-making, procedures and processes, appropriate attitudes and behaviors, people, responsibilities, tasks, employee satisfaction, human resources development, governance, management, leadership, respects and fairness, collaboration, and interaction, encouraging new ideas, innovation and creativity, providing supportive leadership, managing risk, having an appropriate organizational structure;  duties regulation, responsibilities, and authorities; employee opinions, vision, strategic goals, effective strategic management, communication, reward systems, etc.




We select an appropriate organizational alignment model/framework for each organization and uses a questionnaire to survey each component in the model/framework, reporting survey outcomes and interpreting scores for each item of each component of the framework/model; analyze and synthesize to create a consulting, training, and improvement plan for each item of each component of the framework/model with a low average score across the company. Instructing skills, applying best practices, and using organizational alignment tools and appropriate management tools throughout the consulting and training process. Monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of organizational alignment.

Establish an organizational alignment team to run the organizational alignment project.


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