Phuoc D. Nguyen


The usefulness of using the Competing Values Framework (CVF) in cultures is indisputable. Absolutely leaders who diagnose, assess, and lead current culture change face certain challenges, they have also faced challenges to change their leadership style, behavior, attitudes, and personal culture. Cameron and Quinn (2006) discover “The Competing Values Framework also orders attributes of organizations in addition to cultural values and forms of organizing. Because the framework was formulated based on very fundamental assumptions about how organizations work and how they are managed, it is not surprising that such a robust framework would accurately describe other aspects of organizations as well.” (pp. 45-46). The usefulness of using the CVF shows organizational leadership improvement and organizational effectiveness through leaders who apply and combine types of clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market cultures in organizational culture change stages.

Tong and Arvey (2014) demonstrate that “The CVF is useful for helping managers enlarge their repertoire of behaviors beyond the impulse to control, and for integrating contrary behaviors that promote control and flexibility.” (p. 667). Whereas Cameron (1985) proposes “The usefulness of this typology for organizing cultural attributes lies in its; ability to determine the extent to which cultures are congruent in their elements and are dominated by one quadrant-more than others.” (p. 8). Dastmalchian et al. (2000) indicate “The CVF reveals both the complexity of what the organizations and their managers and decision makers face and the integration of managerial and human resources concerns across organizations.” (p. 391). Every type of culture in the CVF has featured attributes, it is very challenging for leaders who combine these attributes to lead organizational culture change. Therefore, the limitation of the CVF is rigid rules on attributes for every type of culture thus leaders who face difficulty in changing their and employees’ attributes which fit every type of culture as indicated in the CVF in the organizational culture stages.