Phuoc D. Nguyen


Cameron and Quinn (2011) propose “The task associated with the step of ‘Identify immediate small wins’ is to develop a list of a limited number of key action steps that you can execute right away. Identify something that can be implemented immediately –  tomorrow morning – to begin the process of change.” (p. 113). Soper et al. (1996) indicate “A key role of leaders in introducing change, then, is to be a sense of efficacy in others by articulating that the forthcoming change is controllable, manageable, doable, and practical, thereby enabling organizational members to carry out the change successfully.” (p. 48). Based on desired culture change, culture change needs, selected organizational culture change strategies, and strategic action agenda; senior leaders assign first-line managers or process owners to project-specific and detailed small-win action plans and schedules.

Phase 1 –  First, leaders, managers, and supervisors who are trained in understanding organizational change, culture change, culture change strategies, forms of collective action, change tools, team building, team working, managers, supervisors, and staff. This is a form of people and personal culture change.

Phase 2 – leaders create a friendly, team-working, cross-functional, comfortable working climate.

Phase 3 – leaders provide necessary resources and information.

Phase 4- supervisors establish a list of the simplest small wins.

Phase 5 – supervisors assign things to do to their staff.

Phase 6 – supervisors collect staff initiatives, ideas, and opinions.

Phase 7 – supervisors instruct, coach, and organize to implement and solve the simplest small wins problems.

Phase 8 – supervisors create healthy competition between team members and teams.

Phases 9 – supervisors review and evaluate the simplest small wins implementation outcomes.

Phase 10 – supervisors provide appropriate reward forms and inform people and teams of achievements, support team members and teams to complete their simplest small wins.

Phase 11 – supervisors provide training and instruction further if any.

Phase 12 – supervisors assign second, third, and fourth… small wins to their staff and teams to achieve culture change targets in the short term, culture change objectives in the mid-term, and organizational change and development goals in the long term.