Phuoc D. Nguyen


At the heart of the processes of consulting service marketing strategy planning and consulting brand building is the value proposition where the client perceives the ‘value promise’ that consulting firms provide and determines the client value from consulting firms’ branding strategy and sustainable competitive advantage in terms of consulting service marketing strategy. “If you are trying to deliver a compelling value proposition, it makes more sense to divide up the business system into customer-oriented stages: choosing the value, providing the value, and communicating the value to the customer.” (Lanning and Michaels, 2000). These processes include steps of understanding client value, creating client value, delivering client value, ​​and capturing client value. Kolesar, Ryzin, and Cutler (2011) proposed “A service provider needs to know individual customers being served to deliver service that, in addition to being efficient, is also personal and effective in fulfilling their total service requirements.” (p. 3). Consulting firms should define the value they provide to every target market segmentation even individual groups within that market segmentation and they have not provided the common value to the whole target market segmentation because the consulting market has many different target market segmentations.

Values comprise the shareholder value and the client value which indicate the difference between the desired value and its costs. The client value generates shareholder value synchronously in a concerted effort. As a result, consulting service marketing and branding strategies connect these two values. Grap and Maas (2008) stated “Desired Customer Value (DCV) focuses on the assessment of specific benefits and sacrifices; DCV focuses on the customer’s needs and desires and thus involves a higher level of abstraction on the customer’s part.” (p.11). Consulting firms should propose the innovative approach that they derived from potential creative ideas to create value solutions for their clients, this will create new values to ​​meet or beyond clients’ expectations.