Phuoc D. Nguyen


The great business leaders that are being studied are in the transition ‘from good to great’ to have a humble, less talkative, and even somewhat disconcerting leader in social interactions. “Collins (2001) describes the person who is humble as one who demonstrates a compelling modesty and channels ambition into the company.” (Crowther, 2011, p. 4). The leaders who show their personalities overwhelm others are only leaders of level 4 or lower levels of 1,2, or 3. However, we should not misunderstand level 5 leaders are weak-willed. They have a steady mind, a ‘steel nerve’, and are extremely fierce in their work. The difference is that they put all the energy and ambition they have for themselves to think for the common or more specifically for their business.

Brown (2010) defined “Level Five leaders are capable of each of the leadership qualities exhibited in Level One through Level Four leadership. In Good to Great, Collins focuses exclusively on the Level Five leadership qualities discovered in identified good-to-great companies. Humility+Will= Level 5” (p. 82). The fact that top-level executives are best suited to building great companies because they will never let personal ego interfere with making decisions that are beneficial or harmful to the company. They will also be willing to listen to great ideas, which will help shape the view of the business situation more accurately and help their subordinates feel comfortable and work effectively. The last and most important reason is that a fifth-level leader will always pay close attention to building a team so that the company can continue to succeed when he or she is no longer with his or her business as the personal influence of a 4th level leader will do.

Lee and Yacong (2015) proposed level 5 leadership within a diffuse power structure – “The best future leaders possess a blend of both executive and legislative skills and know when to use them properly.” (p. 58). Success belongs to the collective, but the responsibility belongs to the fifth-level leader. It is this view, coupled with the ironed resilience that shaped the leaders who can create a turning point for organizations on the road from good to great.