Phuoc D. Nguyen


Self-awareness is one of the most important elements of emotional intelligence. It helps leaders understand and control their emotions and actions; it affects the emotions and actions of others. It will be more effective in leadership when the leaders understand themselves as well as they can read their subordinates’ feelings. Steiner (2015) stated “A self-aware person was honest with themselves and with others. They knew how their feelings affected them and others around them. It extended to values and goals. They knew where they were headed and why. It showed itself as candor.” (pp 40-41). Leaders can control and choose the behavior they want to manifest. Self-awareness helps leaders understand where they are, where they want to go, and where they want to be. If leaders understand their emotions and thoughts, they can choose to act or react in a certain situation. “Authentic leaders are self-aware fully functioning because they live their own creed. They live based on who they are not who others want them to be, and they own their thoughts, emotions, needs, wants, preferences, beliefs, and processes that are part of their work life.” (Akhras, 2016, p. 3). Self-awareness is a clear sense of personality, strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivations, and emotions. It helps leaders know what motivates them and what they are passionate about. It leads to relationships, both in work and in personal relationships, where we make constructive and positive contributions.

Self-aware leaders understand the needs and emotions of others, take responsibility for their mistakes, be humble, think critically, and perceive the influence of their words and actions toward others. Kress (2008) proposed “Executives who worked with an executive coach could improve their level of self-awareness. It was further determined that executives’ relationship with an executive coach facilitated the process of improving self-awareness and introspection, resulting in enhanced organizational, and leadership behaviors.” (p. 65). Self-aware leaders capture their emotions and behaviors when they are faced with stressful situations; list strengths and weaknesses to be improved; focus on attention and dedication to work; think positively, optimally, and creatively; build trust with subordinates and colleagues; and adjust themselves to be able to adapt to different situations. “People with high self-awareness were able to speak accurately and openly about their emotions. Self-aware people were comfortable talking about their limitations and strengths. They had a desire for constructive criticism and feedback.” (Steiner, 2015, p. 41). Leaders should be aware and analyze their strengths and limitations, they promote their strengths and limit or eliminate weaknesses to increase their credibility with the employee. Leaders should be careful with their words or actions, it does not mean that they are being wrong. Instead, it shows they are interested in other people, but do not hurry to say or do something that can negatively affect subordinates. They should receive feedback when leaders ask people for feedback, they have the opportunity to look at their behavior. In addition, the feedback can help leaders identify weaknesses that they cannot find themselves.

“People with high self-awareness were able to speak accurately and openly about their emotions. Self-aware people were comfortable talking about their limitations and strengths. They had a desire for constructive criticism and feedback.” (Steiner, 2015, p. 41). Leaders should be aware and analyze their strengths and limitations, they promote their strengths and limit or eliminate weaknesses to increase their credibility with the employee. Leaders should be careful with their words or actions, it does not mean that they are wrong. Instead, it shows they are interested in other people, but do not hurry to say or do something that can negatively affect subordinates. They should receive feedback when leaders ask people for feedback, they have the opportunity to look at their behavior. In addition, the feedback can help leaders identify weaknesses that they cannot find themselves.