Organizational culture is formulated by establishing and implementing cultural levels including symbols, rituals, stories, slogans, behaviors, costumes, architecture, and interior decoration in the offices and the organization’s production and service supply locations, exceptional achievements of the organization and its members, organizational values, business ethics, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, organizational trust, organizational distinctiveness, and organizational traditions. Additionally, organizational culture also has a positive impact and always improves cultural levels that create organizational climate and alignment. Cultural levels include values, business ethics, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, organizational trust, organizational uniqueness, and organizational traditions that contribute primarily to the formation, change, and improvement of organizational culture.


Improve engagement of all organizational members; they clearly understand what types of culture need to be changed and implemented, they strive to contribute to change and implement successful organizational culture to enhance leadership and organizational trust; improve communication and increase commitment to organizational culture change. Know the outstanding characteristics of the organization to change the appropriate culture, enhance the effectiveness of organizational leadership and people management, increase the loyalty of organizational members, create stability, control effectively, improve strategic management, and improve teamwork. Enhance competitiveness, efficiency, and performance. Know and stay up to date with consumer needs, market trends, and technological changes. Encourage a culture of innovation and creativity to create a positive work environment for achieving business performance and outcomes, etc.


DRN selects appropriate organizational culture change models/frameworks for each organization/company and uses a questionnaire to survey/diagnose the problems of each component in the model/framework and assess readiness for change. Report the survey results and interpret the scores for each item of each component of the framework/model that will be analyzed and synthesized to create a consulting, training, and improvement plan for each item of each component of the model/framework with a low average score across the company. Change organizational culture and plan a communication plan to communicate organizational culture change. Instruct skills and apply best practices; use organizational culture change models, frameworks, and tools to combine appropriate management tools and techniques throughout the process of consulting and training on organizational culture change. Monitor, review, and evaluate the communication and implementation of culture change. Establish a culture values, and organizational climate handbook.

Establish an organizational culture change team to run the organizational culture change project.


Organizational values are a set of feelings, perceptions, and beliefs of organizational members, stakeholders, social communities, and customers about good things in spirit, products, and services that an organization does and provides to increase the welfare and happiness (intangible), worth (tangible) to all internal and external customers. Good things in spirit, products, and services are continually improved will increase positive feelings and stronger beliefs of organizational members, stakeholders, social communities, and customers; these lead to the creation of added value for organizational members, stakeholders, social communities, and customers. Therefore, organizational values are increasingly enhanced.


DRN selects appropriate organizational values models/frameworks for each organization/company and uses tools to assess self-esteem, personal vision, and value-centered planning; survey organizational values that can be developed, evaluate existing organizational values, survey and identify organizational values, plan growth values, map promotion systems, evaluate understanding of key transformations in mapping the motivational systems of leadership and management teams. Reporting survey results and interpreting scores for each item of each component of the framework/model will be analyzed and synthesized to create a consulting, train, and improvement plan for each item of each component of the model with a low average score across the company. Instruct skills and apply best practices, define strategic action plans, and plan changes to organizational values. Use the motivation system model and plan communication. Use organizational values change models, frameworks, and tools and establish motivation systems combine appropriate management tools and techniques throughout the organizational values change and establish motivation system change consulting and training process. Monitor, review, and evaluate the communication and implementation of organizational values change and the motivation system establishment. Establish a culture, values, and organizational climate handbook.

Establish a team to change organizational values and establish a motivating system to run the project to change organizational values and establish a motivating system.




A good organizational climate or a positive working environment has a strong impact on organizational cultural factors, organizational values, norms, organizational trust, organizational alignment, employee engagement, positive working attitude, motivation system, reward system, fairness in human resource policies, people development, management development, leadership development, external and internal environment, communication, interaction between processes, and effect of corporate and business policies. The leadership and management teams delegate and align all elements to lead the entire organization to fulfill its mission and achieve its vision and strategic goals through changing and continuously improving the organizational climate and creating a collaborative work environment.


In a positive work environment with best practices, appropriate behaviors, people are recognized and authorized, fairness in the implementation of human resource policies, orderly and disciplined work environment, there is support and encouragement to improve performance and achieve results that exceed expectations, improve services and products, increase sales and profits, improve leadership and management skills, improve communication, create organizational values, increase mutual respect within the organization, enhance organizational alignment, support growth and development, encourage innovation, creativity and setting new ideas, etc.



DRN selects appropriate organizational climate models/frameworks for each organization/company and uses tools to assess and diagnose organizational climate problems. Reporting survey results and interpreting scores for each item of each component of the framework/model will be analyzed and synthesized to create a consulting and training plan and improve each item of each component of the model with a low average score across the company, defining a strategic action plan, planning for change, and improving the organizational climate. Instruct skills and apply best practices. Use appropriate organizational climate models, frameworks, and tools to combine management tools and techniques throughout the organizational climate consulting and training process. Monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of changes and improvements in organizational climate. Establish a culture, values, and organizational climate handbook.

Establish an organizational climate change team to run the organizational climate change project.




Organizational trust is trust between stakeholders, community, society, and all organizational members towards the organization/company; organizational trust is a long-term process. Organizational trust is created from organizational culture, organizational values, business and leadership ethics, and organizational climate. The qualities and abilities of each member of the leadership team, management team, and staff in the organization such as benevolence, integrity, beliefs, trustworthiness, awareness, and honesty. Commitment to culture, values, ethics, and external and internal customer satisfaction creates organizational trust.


Increase the loyalty, awareness, honesty, and commitment of leaders, administrators, supervisors, and all organizational members. Increase trust in the organization, and increase the trust of society, the community, and stakeholders in the organization. Increase governance and leadership capacity, benevolence, risk management, etc.


DRN will select an appropriate organizational trust model/framework for each organization/company and use a questionnaire to survey each component in the model. Report survey outcomes and interpreting scores for each item of each component of the framework/model; analyze and synthesize to create a consulting, training, and improvement plan for each item of each component of the framework/model with a low average score across the company. Instructing skills, applying best practices, and using organizational trust tools and appropriate management tools throughout the organizational trust consulting and training process to build organizational trust. Monitor, review, measure, and evaluate building and enhancing organizational trust.

Establish an organizational trust-building team to run the project to build organizational trust.


OPTIONS: Customers can combine consulting services for organizational culture change, organizational values change, organizational climate change, and organizational trust building.

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