Responsible leadership is a type of leadership based on values, responsibility speaks to the meaning of responsible leadership. Socially responsible is a core component of responsible leadership, and global leaders have global responsibility. In the chain of responsibility, leaders are responsible to the community and stakeholders based on relationships with stakeholders, they are responsible to their organization and subordinates. Organizational values, leadership values, personal values, organizational culture, organizational climate, organizational trust, organizational alignment, business ethics, characteristics, and self-perception contribute to creating responsibilities for responsible leaders. The chain of responsibility, responsible activities, and responsible leadership create operational systems and are responsible for empowering and supporting the entire organization to align the vision with strategies and policies to achieve strategic goals. Responsible leadership creates change, innovation, and creativity and they are accountable for the outcomes of change, innovation, and creativity. As a result, responsible leaders create an organization-wide system of accountability.
Increase satisfaction of requirements, benefits, work, customer satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction, and community and social satisfaction; improve the working environment, delegation, communication, productivity, and performance; enhance supportive leadership of the leadership team throughout the organization to internal and stakeholder; enhance the responsibility of all members of the organization, especially the responsibility of supervisory, management, and leadership levels towards the organization, stakeholders, community, and society; improve ethical actions and value-driven leadership; improve relationships with stakeholders and within the organization; increase self-awareness of all members of the organization; increased commitment to change, innovation and creativity, etc.
We select an appropriate responsible leadership model/framework for each organization and use a questionnaire to survey each component in the model/framework, reporting survey outcomes and interpreting scores for each item of each component of the framework/model; analyze and synthesize to create a consulting, training, and improvement plan for each item of each component of the framework/model with a low average score across the company; instruct skills and apply best practices, use appropriate leadership and management tools throughout the consulting and training process. Determine the level of responsible leadership capacity present for an individual and a group; assess the short-term and long-term effectiveness of responsible leadership capacity.
Establish a responsible leadership team to run the responsible leadership project.