About DRN

DRN is the abbreviation for DoctoR Nguyen – DOCTOR NGUYEN Consulting and Training Company, abbreviated in English as DRN Consulting and Training. We provide consulting, coaching, and training services at the client’s location(s) on strategic leadership team development, strategic foresight, organizational strategy combined with strategic foresight and issues management, leadership assessment, leadership development, succession planning, servant leadership, transformational leadership OR combine transformational leadership with transactional leadership and Laissez-Faire leadership, responsible leadership, and collaborative leadership. Additionally, we also provide consulting, coaching, and training services on organizational change, organizational design, organizational development, organizational transformation, organizational effectiveness, organizational alignment, organizational trust building, organizational culture change, organizational values change, and organizational climate change to help our customers who are Vietnamese and foreign companies/corporations, small and medium enterprises, family businesses, and organizations nationwide.

DRN provides consulting and coaching services along with training courses following consulting projects at businesses and organizations’ offices and locations. In addition, DRN also provides training courses according to client needs excluding consulting projects at businesses and organizations’ offices and locations.

DRN is a consulting and training company that provides consulting, coaching, and training services on strategic foresight; issues management; organizational strategy (corporate strategy and business strategy) integrated with strategic leadership, strategic foresight, and issues management; responsible leadership; collaborative leadership; organizational alignment; organizational effectiveness; organizational values and establish a promotional system, organizational climate (working environment) change, and organizational trust building.

In addition, DRN also provides consulting, coaching, and training services to develop a strategic leadership team (SLT); servant leadership; and succession planning consulting. IN PARTICULAR, DRN provides consulting, coaching, and training services on transformational leadership OR combines transformational leadership with transactional leadership and Laissez-Faire leadership; integrates organizational culture change, organizational values change, working environment (Organizational Climate) change, and organizational trust building along with one integrated project or separate projects; integrates organizational change, organizational design, organizational development, and organizational transformation along with one integrated project or separate projects.


About DRN and Its Value Proposition

We apply and use appropriate methodologies, approaches, frameworks, models, instruments, methods, tools, and techniques to solve problems and suggest reasonable solutions to improve and develop strategic foresight, strategy, leadership, organization, and management. As a result, our clients can see the future of their company clearly; reach their vision, purpose, corporate goals, and business objectives; enhance leadership capabilities, develop leadership, and reach organizational change, development, transformation, alignment, effectiveness; change organizational culture, values, climate; build organizational trust; and improve creativity and innovation.
DRN’s consultants, coaches, and trainers always put the legitimate interests of customers first. They always listen, respect, and appreciate customer feedback with honesty, responsibility, and devotion when delivering all stages in the process of providing services and solutions to clients. The solutions are always innovative and results-oriented with reasonable service fees. DRN always values and strengthens relationships with clients, and it encourages and supports its consultants, coaches, and trainers so that they are always updated with the latest knowledge and skills to develop their careers and come up with new ideas.

Why Choose DRN

Clients trust and select DRN because Dr. Phuoc D. Nguyen has doctoral, specialist, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees; international professional certificates in strategic leadership, leadership, business administration, and management systems from the United States, England United Kingdom, Vietnam, Australia, and Malaysia; combined with his working experience in management, leadership, consulting, and training to managerial functions, management systems, and types of leadership to American companies in the United States and domestic companies in a variety of industries; and combined with DRN’s value proposition together. The main element is Dr. Nguyen is a highly experienced consultant, coach, and trainer; He combines his knowledge, experience, and skills in consulting and training on management systems, management, leadership, strategic foresight, and strategy to meet the needs of DRN’s clients.

DRN's Mission

We serve our clients to grow and shift their leadership thinking, strategic thinking, futures thinking, and organizational mindsets; develop their foresight thinking, anticipatory thinking, strategic thinking, and systems thinking; consult, coach, train, and mentor strategic foresight, leadership, strategy, and organizational effectiveness application and practice aim to explore their organization’s future developments and improve their leadership capabilities, organizational effectiveness, and innovation development.