Phuoc D. Nguyen


During the SP&M process implementation occurs many conflicts because succession is a very sensitive and subtle issue in the case of successors who are inside candidates for one position or different positions. Conflict resolution based on conflict management skills of transformational leaders, HR professionals, and managers. If their conflict management skills are weak, this can cause corruption in the organizational structure. Carmichael (2016) states “Leaders with idealized influence are willing to take risks and are consistent. They can be counted on to do the right thing and demonstrate high standards of ethical and moral conduct.” (pp. 32-43). Because of the conflict risk and other relevant risks leaders will take them to do the right thing as the appropriate succession to the right people. “Inspirational motivation. Leaders motivate and inspire by providing meaning to followers’ work. Team spirit, enthusiasm, and optimism are present.” (Carmichael, 2016, pp. 32-43). Employees who have a good motive, competency, and ethical and moral conduct will feel inspired by transformational leadership to succeed in times of conflict to support leaders in solving conflicts and aim to support the SP&M process.

Leaders actively develop the career paths of employees as a partnership to transform their opportunities. Ahmad, Mohamad, and Manaf (2015) implied that “the subordinate career development could be positively led by the charismatic influence individualized influence of transformational leaders.” (p. 142). Transformational leaders are not only partnerships they are but also masters, mentors, and coaches; they use their exceptional competency, characteristics, leadership style, and prestige to mentor, instruct, coach, and influence to show appropriate career paths to drive and transform career development to integrate them into and succession planning.

Hart (2011) states “Transformational leaders are careful to attend to their followers’ needs and to be able to identify their followers’ needs for growth and development.” (p. 16). Almost all employees have always expected their leader who discovers to attend to their needs for growth and development, leaders plan a great succession program to create motives for growth and development motivation to employees aim to achieve results as expected or beyond expectations.